Back to Blogging

It's June 2020. It's been over a year and a half since I've written on this blog. But I think it's time to revive it. 

We're in the middle of a global pandemic, a civil rights revolution, and a climate crisis. I need a forum to collect my thoughts, my photos, and my memories. And my hobbies... My ever-growing list of hobbies. The only social media platform I currently use is Instagram, which doesn't seem able to capture the feeling I'm looking for: part photo journal, part time capsule, part lifestyle blog. 

I'm hoping this can be a basket in which I place my small successes when they occur, and where I can teach and learn from anyone else who finds me here! I'm learning as I go, but I love to share.

A small preview of the types of topics I plan to blog about:
- Urban gardening
- Canning and preserves
- Sewing
- Knitting
- Sewing machine repair
- Social justice (racism, prison, poverty)
- Film
- Sustainability


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