My Three 'R's of Sustainable Fashion
Everybody knows the 3 R's, right? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. For decades, this mantra has been engraved in our collective mind, from when we're first taught as schoolchildren, to the dependable reminders every Earth Day thereafter. I love the 3 R's. It's a memorable phrase that not only describes a simplified waste management hierarchy , but also captures the order of desirability. (Reducing waste is the most desirable action, whereas recycling should only be a last resort. Reusing is sort of in between, extending the life cycle of the item.) As I've begun to take an interest in eco-conscious fashion, an idea has been stewing in the depths of my brain for a hierarchy of sustainable fashion, and I wanted to draw attention to some overlooked alternatives to buying from big-box retailers. Below is my hierarchy of actions for sustainable fashion, ranked from best to worst. If you disagree, let me know! We can hash it out in the comments. 1. Refuse. Okay, maybe this is a ...